Find the answers here
What are your prices? + -

FAQ full potential digital marketingIt can be difficult to set a fixed price for our services when there are so many variables. We don’t want to overcharge a company who wants a simple solution NOR be out of pocket when a company has far more complicated marketing requirements.

However, we guarantee that we are very competitively priced.  Tell you what – drop us an email and we will come back with a quote tailor made for you.

Do I have to sign a contract? + -

FAQ full potential digital marketingOnce we agree on the project outline, we will create a simple agreement of what we will deliver and the associated timelines.  This will also include the deposit and subsequent payment milestones.  We expect you to sign up to this before we start working.

This way, you know what to expect and when; we know that you’ll pay the instalments along the way as we reach each milestone.

What are your payment terms? + -

FAQ full potential digital marketingWe expect an up-front deposit as outlined in your customised project agreement (normally 25% of total fee). As we complete each milestone, we will issue an invoice and expect payment within 14 days of the invoice date.

What happens if I miss a payment? + -

FAQ full potential digital marketingFailure to pay invoices on time may result in suspension of the project, and probably a bit of bad feeling on both sides.

However we understand that cash flow waxes and wanes, so we will do our utmost to be understanding and keep the project on target as far as humanly and financially possible.

Do you have a customer service department? + -

FAQ full potential digital marketingWe’re a small, but perfectly formed team, and as such don’t have a dedicated customer service.

But rest assured we look after our clients impeccably.  Any questions, problems or doubts can be flagged to us via email or Skype and we’ll get onto them right away.

Can we meet face-to-face? + -

FAQ full potential digital marketingDue to the fact that we use remote workers (because we are very modern and with it) we don’t have an office base.  That makes it tricky to meet face-to-face.  But we love to chat on Skype (with the video on) and find that this solution helps put faces to names, and enhance our working relationship.

Who will be my point of contact? + -

FAQ full potential digital marketingMichelle, the boss lady, will be your point of contact throughout the project.  As someone who is skilled in digital marketing and frighteningly organised, we think it’s best she deals with all customer liasions.

Have we answered your question?

If we haven’t answered your question with our well thought out and carefully crafted list of FAQs above, then just contact us directly.

Always happy to discuss your needs.

Always happy to clarify your queries.

Go on – just send us a message now!

faq full potential digital marketing
faq full potential digital marketing